29 April 2007

Celebrating Aunt Wendy's Birthday (A Day Earlier. . in the US. . without Aunt Wendy)!
We made her a cake. . .
Zachary helped to decorate it. . .
We lit the candles. . .and sang Happy Birthday. . .
And of course. . .enjoyed the cake! We hope Aunt Wendy likes yellow cake with chocolate frosting. . because we sure did!
Daddy even joined in on the fun!
Zoe waiting for a few crumbs to fall!
Miss Chloe ending the party on her potty!
We miss you Aunt Wendy. We hope you have a very happy birthday tomorrow!
XOXO Zachary and Chloe

28 April 2007

Stair Challenge with the Kids!

Kennedy Jane
Miss Chloe
Zachary and Kaden observing from the top!

We know we have lot's of catching up to do. We had a week off around Easter time and went to visit the Clement Cousins in Washington D.C. We were lucky enough to have our nanny Ashley come up and visit for the weekend!

Ashley and Zachary catching some Zzzzzzz's on the couch!
Chloe with her "ba-ba" before "ni-ni"
Ashley surprised us all by bringing Kristin! Tubby Time was quite the event with all Four in Kim and Jeff's garden tub. The parents were lucky enough to get a night out on the town while the girls watched the kiddos!