20 October 2008

I must have set some high expectations. After trying to catch up after all those months, now friends and family are complaining more. See, everyone was much quieter when I posted every six months!??! Sadly enough, we have had an amazing last few weeks, and we have not been the best photographers. The most recent highlight was Grampa and NaNa's visit from New York. We were lucky enough to spend the weekend in SanAntonio and go to Sea World--what a fantastic experience. However, don't look for the pictures, because we unfortunately forgot our camera at the hotel (maybe Grampa and NaNa or Aunt Kim will share their shots). Then, Grampa and NaNa spent their second week in Texas at our house! We were so sad to see them go and hope they will return again (especially with the weather getting colder and colder in New York).
Oktoberfest at Wahlberg Restaurant with the Clement Crew--Aunt Kim had a brilliant idea to go to Oktoberfest in this small town outside of Austin. . .what a blast! Grampa loved the music, the kids loved dancing, there was plenty of food. . who could ask for anything more?

A friend in our Neighborhood hosted a Halloween Party--What a clever Mommy. There was a chance to dig for treasure. . . .
a haunted house (Zachary and Chloe looking through the eyes of the ghost). . .
flying ghosts. . .and so much more!

Baby Meyer was dressed as Thomas Jefferson

Ballerina Chloe and Fireman Zachary

The party hostess. . Avery LadyBug
Kudos to the party hostess and her Mommy. . no CANDY! I must admit, it still feels odd to be getting dressed up for Halloween and not having to worry about all the layers to stay warm! Please don't misunderstand this as a complaint. . .I love the weather!

1 comment:

MaryCuth said...

WOO-HOO! An update! The pressure's on sister! That was cute, keep them coming! BTW, you're looking GREAT!