30 June 2009

Camp Aunt Antsy. . .actually, a visit to Aunt Nancy, Uncle Jim and GramGram's House in Kansas
Grannie and PaPa took the girls to Kansas in the bus. . and we all met them. Just imagine, four adults and two kids in a van all the way to Kansas. This should have been a 10 hour trip that turned into a 14 hour trip! Ouch! Ironically, the trip home took us 10 hours, but felt longer. . maybe because I had finished my book.
There is so much to do at their house. . tractor rides with Uncle Jim. This was Zachary's personal favorite.
Bug catching. . .you would think we don't have bugs in Texas with the number of creatures the kids were entertained by in Kansas.

And horse rides. All four kids loved hanging out with Baby Benjamin. . who is now 2, so soon it won't be OK to call him "Baby Benjamin".

Chloe and Benjamin

Kennedy and Chloe

Me and GramGram

Zachary and Kaden

Uncle Jim. .he had all the fun activities.

All five enjoying juice after a hot day!

Finally. . .every day had some trampoline time. It made most of the adults extremely nervous, especially cousin Joe given all the trampoline accidents he has seen at work!

The final highlight before we got back in the car. . .Uncle Jim teaching the kids how to rope a calf!!!

HE GOT IT!!!!!!

Now, Kennedy gave it a try.

And Kaden had to give it one last go before we loaded the van.

I forgot to mention Zachary's second favorite activity. . .the septic truck came to empty the house tank and the bus tank. . .Zachary was pretty impressed with how the truck operated. It was painful to stand by and watch (mostly because the smell was horrible). . but he was interested.
We had a great time. . congratulations once again to Cousin Betty and Randall on their wedding (the reason we came to Kansas in the first place).

1 comment:

Lora said...

Hi Monica,
Micah and I are going to be in Texas this weekend and would love to see you if you are available. You can e-mail me at loramonson at yahoo dot com.
Hope to see you soon!
P.S. I love your blog!